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导读:优美英文诗歌好押韵(双语)多篇为好范文网的会员投稿推荐,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。经典哲理英文诗 篇一on joy and sorrowby kahill gilbran欢乐与忧伤---纪伯伦then a woman said, “speak to us of joy and sorrow.”and he answered: your joy is your sorrow unmasked.and the selfsame well fromwhich your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.一位妇人说:请给我们谈谈欢乐和忧伤。他回答:你们的欢乐是无法掩饰的忧伤。你欢笑的泉眼常常也饱含着泪水。and how else can it be?the deeper that sorrow carves into your being.the more joy you can contain.is not the cup that hold your wine the very cupthat was burned in the potter’s oven?and is not the lute that soothes your spirit,the very wood that was hollowed with knives?除此之外,又当如何?镌刻在你们身上的忧伤愈深,你们能盛装的欢乐愈多。斟满了美酒的杯盏,难道不是曾在陶工炉火中锻造的杯盏吗?when you are joyous, look deep into your heart andyou shall find it is only that which has givenyou sorrow that is giving you joy.when you are sorrowful look again in your heart,and you shall see that in truth you are weeping forthat which has been your delight.当你们快乐时,审视自己的内心,你们会发现曾经的忧伤如今却让你们快乐。当你们忧伤时,再次审视自己的内心,你们会发现曾经的快乐如今却让你们流泪。some of you say, “nay, sorrow is the greater.”but i say unto you, they are inseparable.together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board,remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.你们中有些人说:“欢乐胜于忧伤。”另一些人则说:“不,忧伤更伟大。”但我要说,他们是相辅相成的。它们一同降临,当其中一个单独与你同坐时,记住另一个正在你的床上安歇。verily you are suspended like scalesbetween your sorrow and your joy.only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.when the treasure-keeper lifts you to weighhis gold and his silver, needs must yourjoy or your sorrow rise or fall.的确,你们就像在忧伤与欢乐之间摇摆不定的天平。只有当你们彻底空虚时,你们才能平衡稳定。把你浮沉不定的快乐和悲伤都留给那用你来称量金银的守财奴吧。经典哲理英文诗 篇二counsel to girls 给少女们的忠告by robert herrickgather ye rose-buds while ye may,old times is still a-flying:and this same flower that smiles to-day,to-morrow will be dying.可以采花的时机,别错过,时光老人在飞驰:今天还在微笑的花朵明天就会枯死。the glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,the higher he's a-gettingthe sooner will his race be run,and nearer he's to setting.太阳,那盏天上的华灯,向上攀登得越高,路程的终点就会越临近,剩余的时光也越少。that age is best which is the first,when youth and blood are warmer;but being spend, the worse, and worsttimes, still succeed the former.青春的年华是最最美好的,血气方刚,多热情;过了青年,那越来越不妙的年月会陆续来临。then be not coy, but use your time;and while ye may, go marry:for having lost but once your prime,you may for ever tarry.那么,别怕羞,抓住机缘,你们该及时结婚;你一旦错过了少年,会成千古恨。Mutability 篇三无常Percy Bysshe Shelley波西•比希•雪莱The flower that smiles to-day To-morrow dies; All that we wish to stay Tempts and then flies.今天还微笑的花朵明天就会枯萎;我们愿留贮的一切诱一诱人就飞。What is this world’s delight? Lightning that mocks the night, Brief even as bright.什么是这世上的欢乐? 它是嘲笑黑夜的闪电, 虽明亮,却短暂。Virtue, how frail it is! Friendship how rare! Love, how it sells poor bliss For proud despair!唉,美德!它多么脆弱! 友情多不易看见! 爱情售卖可怜的幸福, 你得拿绝望交换!But we, though soon they fall, Survive their joy, and all Which ours we call.但我们仍旧得活下去, 尽管失去了这些喜悦, 以及“我们的”一切。Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst flowers are gay, Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day;趁天空还明媚,蔚蓝, 趁着花朵鲜艳, 趁眼睛看来一切美好, 还没临到夜晚;Whilst yet the calm hours creep, Dream thou–and from thy sleep Then wake to weep.呵,趁现在时流还平静, 作你的梦吧——且憩息, 等醒来再哭泣。经典哲理英文诗 篇四a valediction: forbidding mourning别离辞:莫悲伤as virtuous men pass mildly away 正如贤人安然辞世and whisper to their souls to go 轻声呼唤灵魂离去whilst some of their sad friends do say 悲伤的有人或伤逝“now his breath goes,” and some say “no” 叹其气绝魂离,亦又说不然so let me melt, and make no noise 就让我们悄然别离,不要喧哗no tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move 不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声叹息they were profanation of our joys 那是对我们欢乐的亵渎to tell the laity of our love 向俗人宣示我们的爱moving of the earth brings harms and fears 地动带来伤害与恐惧men reckon what it did, and meant 人们推其为断其义but trepidation of the spheres 而天体运转震动, 威力虽大though greater far, is innocent 却对什么都没损伤dull sublunary lovers' love 乏味的烦情俗爱-whose soul is sense- cannot admit 建立在感官之上,无法承受of absense, 'cause it doth remove 别离,因为别离the things which elemented it 使爱的根基破碎支离but we by a love so much refined 但我和你拥有如此纯洁的爱though ourselves know not what it is 连我们都无法理解inter-assured of the mind 心心相印、相许careless,eyes,lips and hands to miss 岂在乎眼、唇和手的交融our two souls therefore, which are one 我们俩的灵魂合而为一tought i must go, endure not yet 我纵须远离a breach, but an expansion 非违爱诺,实是延展like gold aery thinness beat 宛若黄金锤炼成轻飘韧箔if there be two, they are two so 若我们的灵魂一分为二as stiff twin compasses are two 应如坚定的圆规般thy suol, the fied foot, makes no show 你的心灵是定脚,坚守不移to move, but doth, if the other do 但另一只脚起步,你便随之旋转and though it in the centre sit 尽管一直端坐中央yet, when the other far doth roam 但当另一只脚四周漫游it leans, and hearkens after it 它亦会侧身,细听周详and grows erect, when that comes home 待它归来,便挺直如旧such wilt thou be to me, who must 这便是你之于我,我一直like the other foot, obliquely run 如同那另一只脚,侧身转圈thy firmness makes my circle just 你的坚贞使我的轨迹浑圆and makes me end where it begun 也让我的漫游在起跑线终止经典哲理英文诗 篇五一首关于时间的双语哲理小诗,时光飞逝造成的结果,是多么的悲哀,我们都挣扎着要在时间上作画,留下些许痕迹,但你的每一个动作,都像是在水上写字,看不到痕迹。那些最重要的都离我们而去,我们紧紧抓住那些毫无意义的东西,又是多么的悲哀。it's sad when people you know become people you knew。当那些曾经熟悉的人变得不再熟悉,那是多么哀伤。when you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life。曾经他们是你生命中一个重要的部分,而现在,你经过他们也不打招呼;how you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely even look at them。曾经你们能畅谈许久,而现在,你甚至都不再看他们一眼;it's sad how times change.时光流逝,是多么悲哀。经典哲理英文诗 篇六a tear and a smile 眼泪和微笑by khalil gibran纪伯伦著 长风译i would not exchange the sorrows of my heartfor the joys of the multitude.and i would not have the tears that sadness makesto flow from my every part turn into laughter.i would that my life remain a tear and a smile.我不愿用世俗的欢娱来换取内心的悲戚;也不愿让我忧伤的眼泪变成浅薄的嬉笑。我宁愿生活里有眼泪也有微笑。a tear to purify my heart and give me understanding.of life's secrets and hidden things.a smile to draw me nigh to the sons of my kind andto be a symbol of my glorification of the gods.眼泪纯净内心,让我明白生活的奥秘;微笑带来良友,是我荣耀上帝的印记。a tear to unite me with those of broken heart;a smile to be a sign of my joy in existence.眼泪使我体会心碎之人的忧伤;微笑是我快乐生活的模样。i would rather that i died in yearning and longing than that i live weary and despairing。与其在绝望和挣扎中苟活,不如在希翼和盼望中死亡。i want the hunger for love and beauty to be in thedepths of my spirit,for i have seen those who aresatisfied the most wretched of people.i have heard the sigh of those in yearning and longing, and it is sweeter than the sweetest melody.我渴慕爱情,崇尚完美,因为邪恶使人肮脏污秽。我听过充满渴望的轻唱,它胜过世上最美的乐章。with evening's coming the flower folds her petalsand sleeps, embracing her longing.at morning's approach she opens her lips to meetthe sun's kiss.the life of a flower is longing and fulfillment.a tear and a smile.夜幕降临,花儿紧锁心房,拥抱着盼望进入梦乡。晨曦初露,花儿轻启香唇,接受太阳的亲吻。在花儿渴望和满足的生命里,有眼泪和微笑的哲理。the waters of the sea become vapor and rise and cometogether and area cloud.and the cloud floats above the hills and valleysuntil it meets the gentle breeze, then falls weepingto the fields and joins with brooks and rivers to return to the sea, its home.the life of clouds is a parting and a meeting.a tear and a smile.大海的水汽蒸发,汇集成云彩。它飘过丘陵和山谷,在和风吹拂下滋生雨露,雨露飘落大地,汇成小溪和河流,奔回大海,它自己的家乡。云彩离别和重逢的经历,有眼泪和微笑的哲理。and so does the spirit become separated fromthe greater spirit to move in the world of matterand pass as a cloud over the mountain of sorrowand the plains of joy to meet the breeze of deathand return whence it came.to the ocean of love and beauty----to god.人的灵魂如同云彩,他告别自己的居所来到大千世界,飘过忧伤的高山,和喜乐的平原。面对死亡的微风,他坦然回乡,那是充满爱和美的海洋,那是上帝的胸膛。The Value of Time 篇七时间的价值To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.要想知道一年的价值, 那就去问期末考试不及格的学生。To realize the value of one month:Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.要想知道一个月的价值, 那就去问生了早产儿的母亲。To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.要想知道一周的价值, 那就去问周报的编辑。To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.要想知道一小时的价值, 那就去问等待见面的恋人。To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.要想知道一分钟的价值, 那就去问误了火车、汽车或者飞机的人。To realize the value of one second: Ask a person who has survived an accident.要想知道一秒钟的价值, 那就去问大难不死的人。To realize the value of one millisecond: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.要想知道一毫秒的价值, 那就去问奥运会获得银牌的人。Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.时间不等人, 你拥有的每一刻都要珍惜。你也可以在好范文网搜索更多本站小编为你整理的其他优美英文诗歌好押韵(双语)多篇范文。